Monthly Bird Walk

Held on the Second Thursday of the month 8:00 - 9:30am*

FREE. We appreciate any gifts—they help the garden grow!

Walk around Mission Garden to look for seasonal and resident birds. Learn to identify some common calls and songs of the birds here. The garden is a good place for beginning and intermediate birders to learn about many of the birds common to the greater Tucson area. Check in with Kevin (the roadrunner) and our resident chickens. We always check the hummingbird feeder to see what hummingbirds are visiting it! Please see our Classes and Workshops page for more information.

*Walks usually last about one and half hours. Walking is easy in the garden and the paths, while not paved, are made of compacted material that is ADA compatible and suitable for wheelchairs and walkers. The length of this walk is 0.50 to 0.75 mile.

We do not take registrations for these walks - just show up!


Bird Identification

See if you can correctly identify the following birds. Don’t know where to begin? Scroll down for name options, and scroll to the very bottom of the page for answers.

Bird ID options:
Verdin Say’s Phoebe Killdeer Northern Mockingbird Eurasian Collared Dove Lucy’s Warbler

Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher

Bird ID answers:
1. Killdeer 2. Northern Mockingbird 3. Lucy’s Warbler
4. Verdin 5. Say’s Phoebe 6. Eurasian Collared Dove


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